Monday, 26 August 2013

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER - Slimmer, Fitter, December

Yep, Here I go again...another month, another challenge, another blog post, another way to get myself in shape!


  1. Weigh in once a week
  2. Blog at least once a week
  3. Loose weight
  4. Get Fit
That's it, I will stick to my low carb plans, eat better, train more and smarter, and let's see how much I can shed in 3 months.

I figure that if I really go for it, it might be quite a lot, not 20kg's a lot, but a minimum if 12.

I will do the weigh in tomorrow.

I will blog more.

I will loose some more.

The summer is coming.

Let's do this.

Anyone joining?



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