Monday, 19 November 2012

weigh in winning

I`m not Charlie Sheen winning yet, but I'm getting closer. Here's the weekend update.

I am down to 105kg's dead, wished it was 104.9, but still, it's coming down. That 99.9kg mark keeps creeping closer, and I am really looking forward to it! Wife got out of hospital on Saturday, I feel so bad for her part. She has been exercising like a crazy person but needs to relax now and let her wounds heel for at least 2 weeks. She is really unhappy about this.

We had a good weekend at home and just relaxed as she can't do much, and needed to rest. I'm very happy with my weekend, never really overindulged, and kept my diet in good nick. I probably could have had some more water, but I am back on water again this morning, and I have knocked back about a liter so far.

My wife suggested we start jogging together once she is up and running again, it's something I am looking forward to, plus, we can do it together, it will just take me some more time to get to her fitness level. My big dream is to do the 2oceans with her next year, and if we can get training there is no reason why I can't run 21.1km come March next year. So that is a big goal, and I am looking forward to that journey, I am positive I will loose even more weight along the way, and it is a great goal to work towards. I love spending time with my wife, and if we can train together, and do the odd race together, it will be awesome.

So here's to a new week, and new goals, and loosing 5 more kilo's



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